June News.

Kids Concerts
I danced and sung backup again for the annual torturous week of children's shows. Though I'm now a second year, and this is something that the first years put on, I couldn't say no to helping out. The kids were very happy to see Anna again and this time Elsa too.

Halfway There
I'm at the halfway mark of my music degree and it feels very good to be over the hump. My theory tests for keyboard and aural went well, and I scraped through the style analysis exam okay. The scariest moment though was finding out I had missed the time to hand in my songwriting portfolio but then realising it was really the next day anyway. At least I was forced to push through the final stage quicker. I'll be sharing the songs with you soon I suppose :)

I've managed 5 and a half seasons of this classic TV show, and I intend to get through all ten. I've finally taken the time to really get to know Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Monica, Chandler and Joey properly and their stories are making me laugh like a loon.

August & Ellie's Wedding
Levi and I attended a beautiful, winter themed wedding on the 25th. It turns out though that where the ceremony was, is in fact where my grandfather was the minister and where my dad was christened as a baby. It was a fantastic affair and they deserve all the happiness in the world. Plus a good tan while they're away now, in Rarotonga.

I Got My Licence
More adult points for me on the board. I can now drive around at night and I can take passengers too. Unfortunately, that means I get dumped with driving my siblings around. This was my first attempt and the test went really well so it isn't that much of a downer.

Hello June
The lovely ladies Steph & Dominique, have started a blog for their photography and I am very excited for them. It's good to have real life friends who share your passion for sharing online, and dear I say; you should check out their beautiful displays.

Passed the Longest Day
Despite all the hot chocolates I've been enjoying, winter is still bitter and soul destroying there in the south of everything. It's going to be a while yet before the sun sorts out her issues, considering she still wants to set at 4:30 in the afternoon, there is hope that we will survive still. And if I can, I'll be sure to take some lovely pictures when the snow comes.

I'm able to feel more optimistic with the achievements I've made this month, including the realization that perhaps whenever I want to fight with my partner, Levi I'm just tired and I don't care what's happening as I really just want to go to bed and sleep like a bear. So cheers to life, love, and laughter; I've had a good dose of it all this month :)

- xxoBeka


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