Zero-Waste Christmas List 2020
I started the journey of trying to be more eco-friendly a couple of years ago and since then I have got some real experience of running a home and living off of the groceries that are bought by myself. Now there are also better resources and inspiration to get help with this goal so I’m working out what changes I can add to help the planet. I'm obviously trying to avoid disposable items altogether and repeat purchases that come with a lot of plastic. Much like Grandma has been all the time I've known her. Is it too soon to say I want to be an eco-warrior like her? Maybe I'll just be stepping up to eco-worrier for now.WHAT I DON’T NEED/WANT FOR CHRISTMAS ✗
I already have a few “zero-waste essentials” like a coffee cup, drink bottle, straws, and shopping bags. I’m also quite stocked in the hygiene and beauty departments with shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, hand soap, body wash and face cleanser all in the form of bars. Plus I have a few other reusable items like handkerchiefs and period products.I’m no longer (was I ever) supporting fast fashion and instead like to find all my clothes second hand so I don’t want clothes that are new unless they’re from a sustainable brand, maybe they make garments from dead-stock or scrap fabric.
I don’t want or need new stationary, I know it’s a good time for a new diary or journal but I haven’t used the ones I got for the last 10 years and I can finally let it go to rest, I’m not the type of person who is really so organised that things are written down in advance.
I’m also not the type of person to bother putting makeup on. I have a large collection of Nail Polish, Eyeshadows, Jewellery and Perfumes that are still going to take the rest of my life to make use of and unless you’re handing off something dangly so I can use the beads in a craft project I’ll pass.
Note: Wrapping paper also has alternatives to buying a new role such as reusing wrapping paper, news paper, a scarf, cloth, or I’m fine with not wrapping at all.
Rose Gold Saftey Razor by EcoWarriorCora ball from CaliWoods
Toothpaste tablets from CailWoods or EcoWarrior
Bamboo container in Pink by EcoWarrior (I found it in Countdown)
Silicone Baking mat
Something homemade
Something sustainably made, in a reusable container or without packaging at all
Something vegan I might like to try
Treat foods in compostable packaging like Trade aid chocolate
Refillable Oil sprayer
Cutting Mat & Rotary Blade (I’m currently into sewing a lot)
Zigzag Pinking Shears
Straight Dress Makers Shears
Refillable lighter
Rayon fabric and other materials
Vintage and patterned sheets to sew with
Overlocker/Surger Machine
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